Our Products

This section provides an overview of our software products. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list – if you have a different requirement then please ask about our experience in that industry.


Parnassus is a portal-style awarding organisation management system which fully embraces Ofqual conditions & processes – whilst also supporting other framework and qualifications.

Parnassus supports the core business functions of an awarding organisation or exam board: qualification management, centre relationship management, learner registration, assessment through to certification. Customers can also purchase optional additional modules to support exams management, finance, eCertificates, workflows, document management, governance and links to eAssessment, LRS/PLR and other systems.

Parnassus is a portal-style solution, which can be hosted on a web server or installed on an awarding organisation’s internal servers. As a portal, Parnassus can be used by internal staff and any function can also be made available to centres, EQAs/EVs, examiners and other external users – even learners.

For further information please go to our dedicated Parnassus website:



Specially designed for the apprenticeship market, Talus is an Endpoint Assessment (EPA) management system for EPA Organisations.

Talus works with your organisation’s EPA model, monitoring and managing the entire process from apprentice registration to completion across any apprenticeship standard. The software assures effective communication between all the parties involved in the EPA process. This valuable tool helps organisations consistently deliver a high quality service.

Features include:

  • Registration (by training providers or internal staff)
  • Gateway requests
  • EPA Plans
  • Management of the EPA Process
  • Assessor login to submit achievement
  • Full IQA Process
  • Dashboard & Reporting

For further information please go to our dedicated Talus website:



Monarch is a cloud-based system which supports corporate governance and regulatory compliance functions including:

  • Manage compliance with regulators (incorporates all Conditions of Recognition from Ofqual, QW, CCEA, SQA plus EPAO)
  • Conduct self-assessments and monitor performance of current internal controls; support reviews/audits by regulators
  • Risk Register which monitors impact, likelihood, ratings and mitigations
  • Register of conflicts of interest from operational through to executive and board level
  • Log issues (both strategic and operational) and manage actions
  • Manage GDPR and other frameworks
  • Online forms: simple and easy online data capture for you and your centres to facilitate Centre Approvals, Reasonable Adjustments, Appeals, Complaints and much more
  • Use workflows to define and manage other regulatory processes to ensure your compliance with Ofqual and your Centres’ compliance with your processes and procedures
  • Full audit trail & extensive reporting with dashboards of key indicators

For further information please go to our dedicated Monarch website:



Endeavour supports the core business functions of a training company: customer contact and delegate management, courses with modules, booking delegates onto courses, raising invoices for bookings – and much more besides. Endeavour is a secure portal-style solution which can be used across the internet by internal staff, freelance resources and other partners.

Highlights include:

  • Cloud-based: for a low-cost, low-hassle service
  • Security: the highest levels of software security to give you peace of mind
  • Customer Relationship Management: track your client organisations and contacts
  • Courses & Events: manage templates for your courses and then assign them to specific dates
  • Modules: break courses into modules and truly manage your entire process at the module level
  • Bookings: manage bookings for a company or individual delegates, including bulk import of bookings
  • Certificates: manage your own certificates on a per course basis, including client logos
  • Management Reporting: drive your business, optimise utilisation and analyse efficiency
  • And much more!


Kilimanjaro is a browser based app which allows your inspectors & assessors to complete entire inspections or assessments in the field – and then upload when they return to a location with an internet connection.

Kilimanjaro enables you to set up your own scoring system for a series of questions or assessment criteria across categories of your choosing.

For further information please go to our dedicated Kilimanjaro website:


Barometer of Trade

The Barometer of Trade is an online tool for collecting monthly figures from your members and collating them into a comprehensive online report which shows the market trends across your industry.

Your members can compare their own figures with their peers and analyse the trends in the market as a whole. This allows them to see what is affecting areas of their business in order to take corrective action – and identify other opportunities which they might be able to exploit.

The Barometer of Trade provides you with an overview of the industry as a whole – with the ability to assess economic activity by region or by business sector.

Iain Wylie, CEO of the UK Garden Centre Association, says: ”The Barometer of Trade is an invaluable tool which enables us to pool knowledge across our members, assess market trends and measure economic activity across the industry. The monthly reports help members to improve their own business performance – and the information also provides hard evidence to support our case when lobbying government to make changes that will benefit our industry.”

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